課程及收費 Coures & Fees


Please study below regulations / questions prior join our courses.  Joining our courses means you have read and fully understand and accept the regulations & rules of our courses.


Q 如果未接觸過跳舞,開始時應該報讀那一個課堂才適合?  which kind of lesson should i choose?

A:基礎課堂 (Basic) 或 (Intro) 適合初學或少於6個月舞蹈經驗的學生。由基本的舞步及技巧開始讓學員認識舞蹈。

     修身課堂 (Funky dance) 亦適合初學者以及想要達到修身效果的同學。lesson mark with “intro/basic” are suitable for beginner


Q:請問你們舞班是不是隨時加入的?  is the dance classes be joined anytime?


     但為控制每班上課之人數上限,At Dance 所有舞班均需要預約留位上課,名額以先到先得形式分配;most of the regular dance classes are welcome to join any time but all the classes needed to make reservation before you join it.

     已預約之學員堂票會被即時扣減1堂;如需取消已預約之課堂,最遲必需於當天下午2pm或之前通知@Dance取消預約以便作出安排;未能於 2pm 或之前取消預約,將會當為缺席依舊扣減一堂堂票;有關課堂掉動等消息,將只會通知已預約之學員。if you can't make it after reservation made, please cancel the booking on or before 2pm of the class date or one class coupon still will be counted.

     學員可以選擇不作預約,以Walk-in 形式上堂,但有機會因為舞班額滿/時間掉動/導師休假等等原因而未能上課。you may not able to join the dance lessons if reservation didn't make, without prior notice.


Q:學習多久可以升級到進階班?   how long shall i take to move forward to advance level

A:沒有一個特定說法;因為學生可以自由選擇上課的次數及舞班種類,需要視乎進度而定;你可以於一定時間後跟導師商議自己的學習進度。different people got different progress, it depends on how often you take the lessons and how hard you participate in each technical workout.  interactive between the tutor and classmate are highly reommend to achieve a better learning experience. 


Q:報堂後是否只限上一個舞種的課堂?  am i able to join all the lessons on timetable?

A:購入堂票後可以自由上課, At Dance不會限制學生選擇那一舞種的課堂。未上過舞蹈課的學生先嘗試基礎班,亦可打嘗試不同類型舞種看發掘自己的潛能;打好基礎後再嘗試進階班比較好。once upon the classes coupon being purchased, you are welcome to join any of the classes as long as it is not yet fully occupied.  please make your reservation via whatsapp: (852) 9169 1428.


Q:請問你們學校課程甚麼時候開班?收費如何? when the lessons will be started and how much it cost?

A:因為At Dance的課程是按不同程度而編定,所以學員隨時可以到本校報名並即時上課;並不是以月份為單位。you are welcome to join anytime at your earliest convenience.  tutorial of newly dance routine will be provide in each lesson.


Q:請問你們每堂收費如何?how much the lesson cost?


堂票分為成人/全日制學生(大專生或中學生)/兒童班3種收費計算, 詳情可前往At Dance收費一項查看。At Dance 堂票以現金/支票收費。 please review price details from the link above. we accept cash or cheque for payment.

(【學生】需要持有有效本港全日制學生證)please show your full-time student card if you are going to pay for the student fee.


Q:上堂的服飾應該怎樣才合適?how should i wear to participate the classes?

A:上課時的衣著沒有規定,舒適柔軟便可。一般來說,不建議穿著沒有彈性或不散熱的物料以免伸展性不足或致受傷。any clothing that are soft and suitable to doing exercise are suitable.


Q:我已經 2 8 歲了,開始學舞太遲嗎?i am already 28, am i to old to join the class?

A:學跳舞的事,就像是其它各種藝術一樣,絕對是「有心不怕遲」年齡並不是問題!dance / yoga are the same as other art, you can start to learn at any age stage.


Q:你們的時間表多久更新一次?how often the timetable will ne modified?

A:At Dance會不定時更新時間表, 也會時常有新加舞班;敬請在隨時留意本網站的最新公怖。updated timetable will be upload to our web site and other online media, please stay tuned.


Q:我不太明白各種舞種/瑜伽的分別,怎麼選擇呢?what is the different between each kind of dance/yoga style?

A:〔舞蹈〕不同的舞蹈種類有其特殊的節奏/動感/型態,每位導師於相同的舞種也有不同的個人風格;你可以到 At Dance 的 Youtube 頻道/Instagram 查看每個舞種特色 please review the dance video from our youtube channel or instagram for reference.Youtube Instagram

  〔瑜伽〕請到此解說頁面查看詳情 yoge style description could be refer to the link above.


Q:怎樣才能參加成為 @Dance 會員?會員收費如何?how to be @Dance member?

A:你可以隨時到At Dance Studio 填寫報名表格, 即可成為At Dance 一份子,永久會員收費$20作為行政費,不設退款。feel free to join @Dance with a non-refundable membership fee HK$20.


Q:如果遺失了我的 @Dance會員卡應怎麼辨?what if i lost my member card or forgot to bring with the member card to participate the class?

A:請即到At Dance Studio與櫃檯職員聯絡, 職員會收取 $30作為補領新卡的費用。每次上堂必需要帶回會員咭,否則需收取補咭費用$30.    member card must be presented to our front desk prior join in all our classes or HK$30 will be charge to replenish the member card.


Q:假若我的課堂已過期,我可以怎麼辦?what if my classes coupon expired?

A:如果同學發現自己的課堂快將/已經過期,無需擔心!同學可以在到期日起計算14天內到 At Dance 購買新的堂票以作為續堂以延長限期之用,新的限期內可以用舊有還未用完的堂票。注意假若過了14天,便不能續回過期的堂數了。 you may able to extend the due date within 14days to pay for new classes coupon (the new due date will be start to count from previous dead line)

     特別安排:如果你得到醫生同意因事故暫時不能跳舞,請將醫生紙顯示給我們以予證明,我們會作出相應延長限期的。 if a doctor proof could be provided to prrof that any exercise must be stop until recover, special arrangement could be offer.


Q:上堂後感到不喜歡上堂/導師/同學,能不能退款?may i get refund if i feel dislike the teacher/classmates/class style/environment?

A:請務必要先查看我們的跳舞影片瑜珈介紹 後確認自己的興趣才好選報跳舞瑜/珈堂票,我們不設退款的啊。 please review and reference to the dance video/yoga description prior join our classes, no refund could be arrange.


Q:我只想要跟一位導師上課,如果她/他的課是代課,又或者我不喜歡班內的同學,我不想上課了,能不能退款?may i get refund if i feel dislike the sub teacher / classmate?

A:堂票可以選課堂票內任何舞班,而我們有權作出掉動導師之安排,不接受因掉動導師/或課堂同學相處問題而要求退款。請務必要先查看我們的 跳舞影片瑜珈介紹 後確認自己的興趣才好選報堂票。 請學員自行考慮購買那一種堂票,亦可以考慮購買單堂。我們不設退款的啊。 You are able to choose any classes from our timetable upon classes still valid.  You may consider to purchase one class coupon as well.  Please review and reference to the dance video/yoga description prior join our classes, no refund could be arrange.  

Q:我只想要跟自己朋友一齊上堂,請問你們可以安排私人教授課堂嗎?is there with any private class to provide personal training?

A:At Dance可以安排私人教授課堂,1-12人收費$1200一堂(90分鐘),如人數多於12人另議;私人班可按你的需要/時間自由安排。歡迎任何時候查詢詳情。pelase contact our staff by whatsapp to (852) 9169 1428 to discuss in details, the charges for private lesson is HK$1200 each lesson with limitation of maximum 12 students.


Q:颱風或暴雨安排如何?will the classes be cancelled if sign. 8 typhoon or strong raining?

A:天文台宣佈八號或以上颱風訊號或黑色暴雨警告將會生效及生效之期間,所有課堂將會取消;八號颱風訊號或黑色暴雨警告除下兩小時後,所有課堂恢復運作。all the classes will be cancelled under sign 8 typhoon and blacl rainstorm and will resume to normal after it cancelled for 2hours, upon other instruction as updated on our facebook fans page ⇒ https://www.facebook.com/atDance.HK/


***@Dance reserve the right on any amendment on above terms and condition without piror notice



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